The COVID-19 health pandemic has forced us to consider changes in the way we work and manage our time.Initially and with the state of alarm, TOTAL PLANNING, like so many other companies, chose to promote teleworking in those positions where this type of work was possible.

Teleworking meant that workers could avoid travelling during confinement and thus minimise the chances of infection.

Once the state of alarm was lifted and the new normalcy began, we decided to continue with a semi-presential office work model.

We are aware that teleworking has many limitations, but also many advantages:

  1. Work-life balance.
  2. Less stress.
  3. More flexible schedules; adapting them to your own personal needs.
  4. Reduced expenses (eating out and transportation).
  5. Higher productivity. Teleworking allows us to better manage time and employee performance can be increased considerably.
  6. Reduced pollution / environmental sustainability.
  7. Reduction of absenteeism.

Obviously, teleworking has its drawbacks, but we must take advantage of the many benefits it offers.

We will TAKE ADVANTAGE of teleworking to make positive changes within our production system, optimising processes and making them as profitable as possible.

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